Partners news
Fondamental : 2ème journée mondiale des troubles bipolaires
La fondation Fondamental est le partenaire principal de la 2ème journée mondiale des troubles bipolaires, organisée le 30 mars 2016 par l'Association Argos 2001, et à laquelle s'associe également le Labex Bio-Psy.
Découvrez le programme
Conférences cycle 2015-2016
The program of the new conference cycle organized by Fondamental is available on line : Program 2015-2016
Conferences take place at the indicated dates, at 12:00 am; Hôpital Albert Chenevier - Pôle de Psychiatrie
Missions of the LabEx Bio-Psy
- Details
- Parent Category: Le LabEx
- Category: Missions
Bio-Psy is directed jointly Jean-Antoine Girault (Director of the Institut du Fer à Moulin), Marion Leboyer (Director of the FondaMental Foundation, Head of the Psychiatry Service at the Hospital Albert Chenevier and of the Institut de Recherche Biomédicale Henri Mondor, Team 15) and Patricia Gaspar (Team leader at the Institut du Fer à Moulin and ex-Director of the « Ecole des Neurosciences de Paris »).
Bio-psy has been created through the « Investissements d'Avenir » Program (IA Program) in the following context: a number of scientific and economic data now place research on mental illness amongst the top of health priorities. In France, Bio-Psy is part of a concerted structuring effort in Psychiatry research, with the parallel creation of the Cohort PsyCoh also through the IA Program and that of the new Hospital and University Department (DHU) Pepsy, by the Health authorities. The shared objective is to contribute to a qualitative and quantitative leap in the field.
Bio-Psy is in line with one the national priorities identified for Life sciences, as reported in several strategy documents at the national or international levels : the need to improve and develop a strong continuum between fondamental and clinical research.
In keeping with this translational approach, Bio-Psy's ambitious research program is covering all aspects of Psychiatry research. Its structure allows Bio-Psy to associate teams with complementary competence (neuroscientists and clinicians) and located on five main Parisian campuses. Bio-Psy also relies on strong partnerships with the ENP and with FondaMental.
Bio-Psy is developing a transversal approach with the following goals :
- To create a pluridisciplinary dynamics for research in Psychiatry, through the association of complementary teams,
- To create a translational pathway in the field,
- To create new tools by using state-of-the-art approaches,
- To set up a training and teaching program designed for psychiatrists and for the best science students,
- To develop communication and dissemination of research results for the lay public